uploaded pics taken for christmas!!
at amk.. so fairy tale..
at NEX, serangoon.. took secretly de.. ssssshhhh, dont tell anyone.. :P
at town.. santa clause + snowman + christmas tree!! :D
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
in my Father's house are mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for You, I will come again and reveice you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
-john 14:2-3
the body is a temp house for our soul, but in Christ, there's life eternity..
i know that you have gone to be with Christ, a place without sufferings or pain..
i will meet you one day in heaven..
-john 14:2-3
the body is a temp house for our soul, but in Christ, there's life eternity..
i know that you have gone to be with Christ, a place without sufferings or pain..
i will meet you one day in heaven..
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
yesterday, after work, meet xian sheng at dhoby ghaut.. wa, the first thing he say is "are you very stress?.. so many pimples.. chuiii.."
hee.. knew he wanted to watch movie.. but no good seat.. so i say dont want.. hee..
in the end, went to cathy to eat dinner at aston..
this is what i ate..
queued 1 hr for it lor.. from about 7 to 8pm..
hee.. knew he wanted to watch movie.. but no good seat.. so i say dont want.. hee..
in the end, went to cathy to eat dinner at aston..
this is what i ate..
wu xian sheng and his food..
my is nicer than his.. hee.. i think he thinks so too ^^
queued 1 hr for it lor.. from about 7 to 8pm..
shopped ard after dinner..
after so long no see le, its like since may.. so glad to meet up again.. :D
he's going australia on mon le.. for 3weeks.. by the time this wu xian sheng is back, ipp also havent end lor..
Saturday, September 18, 2010
IPP is so tired, so stress, so sian..
Last nite this song came to my mind..
"standing in awe of Your grace, standing in Your embrace
Unfailing love tt surrounds me, to behold You face to face.
God of all heaven and earth standing in your embrace.
Unfailing love tt surrounds me, oh God i stand amazed.
My Jesus my Lord
Your the love of my life
Wherever you go wanna be by Your side
No longer i by christ living in me, serving you for all eternity
My eyes set on you in this race tt i run
No longer my ways let Your will be done
Make me a servant my heart's ever true, clinging on the cross i'll follow you"
35 more days to go.. No matter what, the last day will come.. This is jus like a race tt i'm running with God.. its a choice on how i want this 35 days to be.. Not be taken away by the words of the ppl surrounding, but hold onto God's word and promises.. Hallejujah!!
Last nite this song came to my mind..
"standing in awe of Your grace, standing in Your embrace
Unfailing love tt surrounds me, to behold You face to face.
God of all heaven and earth standing in your embrace.
Unfailing love tt surrounds me, oh God i stand amazed.
My Jesus my Lord
Your the love of my life
Wherever you go wanna be by Your side
No longer i by christ living in me, serving you for all eternity
My eyes set on you in this race tt i run
No longer my ways let Your will be done
Make me a servant my heart's ever true, clinging on the cross i'll follow you"
35 more days to go.. No matter what, the last day will come.. This is jus like a race tt i'm running with God.. its a choice on how i want this 35 days to be.. Not be taken away by the words of the ppl surrounding, but hold onto God's word and promises.. Hallejujah!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
finally finally finally finally.. .. exam is over alr!! its jus a blink of an eye.. 4 papers next to each other can.. then somemore so early in the morning at 9am..
general insurance
omg, is like have a feeling of being cheated.. some questions didnt even appear in the exam focus..
omg, i didnt study for theory lor.. theory all give away alr.. then somemore calculations suddenly blank.. arr.. but in the end still ok lah.. managed to search the relevant info in my brains..
capital market and financial instruments
omg, this paper really really serious cant make it lor..section B, 40 marks.. totally dont know how to do can..anyhow anyhow de lor.. theory also didnt study.. but at least section A and C not so bad..
consumer banking
today's paper is the best!! the least time i used to study, but best paper!! thanx to mdm goh, who keeps drilling into our brains during lec and tut..
but i have to say, 10 marks is gone cos i didnt study for a lecture..
yeah!! now finally can have a good good rest alr.. though i still slp at 10pm, i'm still tired!! this weekend shall be a time for me to slp + shopping, enjoy myself before gg for ipp next week..
so chan right?.. rush projs then followed by exams.. over the weekends to rest then ipp liao..
general insurance
omg, is like have a feeling of being cheated.. some questions didnt even appear in the exam focus..
omg, i didnt study for theory lor.. theory all give away alr.. then somemore calculations suddenly blank.. arr.. but in the end still ok lah.. managed to search the relevant info in my brains..
capital market and financial instruments
omg, this paper really really serious cant make it lor..section B, 40 marks.. totally dont know how to do can..anyhow anyhow de lor.. theory also didnt study.. but at least section A and C not so bad..
consumer banking
today's paper is the best!! the least time i used to study, but best paper!! thanx to mdm goh, who keeps drilling into our brains during lec and tut..
but i have to say, 10 marks is gone cos i didnt study for a lecture..
yeah!! now finally can have a good good rest alr.. though i still slp at 10pm, i'm still tired!! this weekend shall be a time for me to slp + shopping, enjoy myself before gg for ipp next week..
so chan right?.. rush projs then followed by exams.. over the weekends to rest then ipp liao..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
went out with xm, sutin, hw kusuma, vanessa, sh and johnson last thurs (12aug)..
went to anchorpoint shopping.. yeah.. first time go shopping with your.. hee.. ate lunch at IKEA.. first time i go IKEA, then shop at G2000 and Charles and Keith at anchorpoint.. omg, first time i step in Charles and Keith can.. haa.. and been a maniquine in there.. haa.. funny lor..
sutin, me and xm at IKEA..
went to anchorpoint shopping.. yeah.. first time go shopping with your.. hee.. ate lunch at IKEA.. first time i go IKEA, then shop at G2000 and Charles and Keith at anchorpoint.. omg, first time i step in Charles and Keith can.. haa.. and been a maniquine in there.. haa.. funny lor..
sutin, me and xm at IKEA..
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
finally finally finally.. finally all proj are completed.. woooaaahhhhooooo.. finally.. got so high after that.. anyways.. i'm so tired now can.. this proj is the most rushing one.. so lack of slp can.. slp at 1+ and wake up before 7.. rushing like crazy.. no, is seriously crazy!!
presentation at 11.20, receieved a call from weixiang to do the ppt at abt 8.30..asking me to do the ppt cos his laptop have problems.. is like i still need to read the report and do the executive summ.. no time!! in the end, asked brinda to help..
meet 10.15 in sch.. trying to touch-up on the report and also to print.. this printing makes kusuma to walk to and fro the print shop for dont know how many times.. print this, that forget, print that, this forget..
worst thing is at 11, call brinda, she on the way and need abt 20 mins.. omg, means 11.20, means we will go for the presentation without knowing how the ppt looks..
thank GOD, in the end not so bad.. we are the second grp to present, but the first grp is late, so we have that extra time..
this is the first time, i do a presentation without doing any script at all.. + the ppt slides, for a part dont know gone where..
anyways, its gd.. yeah!! great job!! :D
presentation at 11.20, receieved a call from weixiang to do the ppt at abt 8.30..asking me to do the ppt cos his laptop have problems.. is like i still need to read the report and do the executive summ.. no time!! in the end, asked brinda to help..
meet 10.15 in sch.. trying to touch-up on the report and also to print.. this printing makes kusuma to walk to and fro the print shop for dont know how many times.. print this, that forget, print that, this forget..
worst thing is at 11, call brinda, she on the way and need abt 20 mins.. omg, means 11.20, means we will go for the presentation without knowing how the ppt looks..
thank GOD, in the end not so bad.. we are the second grp to present, but the first grp is late, so we have that extra time..
this is the first time, i do a presentation without doing any script at all.. + the ppt slides, for a part dont know gone where..
anyways, its gd.. yeah!! great job!! :D
Friday, July 30, 2010
yeah!! finally i have a gd gd rest for tonite.. since last week, have been slping late.. so lack of slp lor..
6 projects + 4 presentation + 3 ICA written paper + 1 pg creative write-up..
had ib on mon.. and cmfi presentation today.. was really rushing like crazy esp for investment.. anyways.. left CRM on tue + written test for emotional intelligence.. but i havent start yet!! jiayou le!!
6 projects + 4 presentation + 3 ICA written paper + 1 pg creative write-up..
had ib on mon.. and cmfi presentation today.. was really rushing like crazy esp for investment.. anyways.. left CRM on tue + written test for emotional intelligence.. but i havent start yet!! jiayou le!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
yeah!! finally ICAs over liao.. finally, finally..
on tue had CRM role play.. was terrible.. can imagine lilian ho says " this is not funny ok" and also "i'm very busy you know, tell me what you want to tell me.." sad sad..
wed had general insurance.. really have not much time to study, esp preparing for the IB presentation over the weekends.. okok lah, the paper not so bad..at least can do.. thanx to cheong yin yi's study scope.. really make it so much easier for us.. hee..
thurs, a rest day for us.. but have to prepare for the ICA for today.. CMFI!!
omg, CFMI is terrible!! thought it was okok, but in the end the qns are like so terrible!! arrr!!
really thank GOD for His strength throughout.. :D
on tue had CRM role play.. was terrible.. can imagine lilian ho says " this is not funny ok" and also "i'm very busy you know, tell me what you want to tell me.." sad sad..
wed had general insurance.. really have not much time to study, esp preparing for the IB presentation over the weekends.. okok lah, the paper not so bad..at least can do.. thanx to cheong yin yi's study scope.. really make it so much easier for us.. hee..
thurs, a rest day for us.. but have to prepare for the ICA for today.. CMFI!!
omg, CFMI is terrible!! thought it was okok, but in the end the qns are like so terrible!! arrr!!
really thank GOD for His strength throughout.. :D
Monday, June 7, 2010
finally IB presentation is over.. can imagine, a proj that i've been so scared abt where there's no meet-ups at all!! ppt was started only yesterday, and finalised only 9.50pm!! (which is like 10mins before my slp).. what's worst was the allocation of slides was only made today morning 11.. 2hrs before the official presentation..
first grp proj for this sem.. no meet-ups, but at least the report was done well.. yeah!!
anyways, something happened during the presentation..
my presentation today should say is no good bah.. can imagine, the lecturer actually says "you are gtg to present so little to me only ar"!! and not long after this comment, the power supply jus died off.. haa.. thank GOD for this.. is like a lifetime history that the power supply will actually die like this..
changed the lab and had another chance to present again.. yeah.. believe this time is much better le bah..
also had 2 ICAs last week.. investments and consumer banking on thurs and fri respectively.. investment was terrible.. totally dropped all the theories and memorised ALL the formulas!! shall give the theories marks away..
for consumer banking, the theories are ok, but the calculation!!.. arrr.. i key the wrong amount and my calculator cant get the ans..
i will need a good good slp for the whole of this week.. had all the ICAs packed the whole of this week.. praying for strength..
first grp proj for this sem.. no meet-ups, but at least the report was done well.. yeah!!
anyways, something happened during the presentation..
my presentation today should say is no good bah.. can imagine, the lecturer actually says "you are gtg to present so little to me only ar"!! and not long after this comment, the power supply jus died off.. haa.. thank GOD for this.. is like a lifetime history that the power supply will actually die like this..
changed the lab and had another chance to present again.. yeah.. believe this time is much better le bah..
also had 2 ICAs last week.. investments and consumer banking on thurs and fri respectively.. investment was terrible.. totally dropped all the theories and memorised ALL the formulas!! shall give the theories marks away..
for consumer banking, the theories are ok, but the calculation!!.. arrr.. i key the wrong amount and my calculator cant get the ans..
i will need a good good slp for the whole of this week.. had all the ICAs packed the whole of this week.. praying for strength..
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
i just dont like the tut today!! its still the same lecturer who has an issue of wearing slippers!! can imagine, she expects us to know the ans where the way she deliver her lecture was terrible!! when we say dont know, her comment was "huh, dont tell me such a direct qn your also cant do!!" what is this lor!! if that's the case, we would not even need to attend tut lor!! omg, anybody good in investment, help me!!
anyways, enough abt her.. not let her affect my mood.. uploaded pics taken yesterday..
anyways, enough abt her.. not let her affect my mood.. uploaded pics taken yesterday..
Sunday, May 9, 2010
a day where we celebrate what she has done for us.. what to give to her?.. most of the time, cards or flowers..
in svc yesterday, pastor kong shared this..
give her the gift of acceptance --- accept who she is.. ppl always say 'i cant choose my parents'.. but, parents can too say 'i cant choose my children!!'
give her the gift of appreciation --- appreciate her and what she has done.. not take for granted for anything..
give her the gift of affirmation --- show respect and listen to her (a listening ear)..
a day where we celebrate what she has done for us.. what to give to her?.. most of the time, cards or flowers..
in svc yesterday, pastor kong shared this..
give her the gift of acceptance --- accept who she is.. ppl always say 'i cant choose my parents'.. but, parents can too say 'i cant choose my children!!'
give her the gift of appreciation --- appreciate her and what she has done.. not take for granted for anything..
give her the gift of affirmation --- show respect and listen to her (a listening ear)..
Monday, May 3, 2010
first day of sch today.. after a 3 wks holiday.. today was quite light, accept tt is early in the morning.. 2 tuts..
very impt thing, never never wear slipper to sch on mon!!
can imagine, the lecturer says wearing slipper is like gtg downstairs to buy breakfast or newspaper.. with an additional remark.. "i believe you ppl took public transport to sch.. and dont tell me tt you board the bus like this?!!" what is this lor.. what's the link between wearing slipper and taking bus.. anyways, great tt i didnt wear slipper today, and my name is not recoreded.. hee..
had a long long break.. 3hrs.. doing practically nothing!! sms ppl to entertain me.. hee.. thanx to those who entertained me for the 3 hrs!! :D
got to adjust my mood liao.. no more holiday le!!
very impt thing, never never wear slipper to sch on mon!!
can imagine, the lecturer says wearing slipper is like gtg downstairs to buy breakfast or newspaper.. with an additional remark.. "i believe you ppl took public transport to sch.. and dont tell me tt you board the bus like this?!!" what is this lor.. what's the link between wearing slipper and taking bus.. anyways, great tt i didnt wear slipper today, and my name is not recoreded.. hee..
had a long long break.. 3hrs.. doing practically nothing!! sms ppl to entertain me.. hee.. thanx to those who entertained me for the 3 hrs!! :D
got to adjust my mood liao.. no more holiday le!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
a lazy day out..
actually wanted to go cycle today.. in the end didnt go.. dont know why, dont have the mood.. suddenly very lazy.. jus went town walk one round.. can imagine, i got lost there!! haa.. dont know why also.. but anyways, i'm hm.. yeah..
sch starting soon le.. the last last holiday i can enjoy le..
actually wanted to go cycle today.. in the end didnt go.. dont know why, dont have the mood.. suddenly very lazy.. jus went town walk one round.. can imagine, i got lost there!! haa.. dont know why also.. but anyways, i'm hm.. yeah..
sch starting soon le.. the last last holiday i can enjoy le..
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
everyday i wonder, looking for an answer
life can be so cold
everyone is searching another hand to hold, dont let me go
all of my life i have waited for someone who loves
someone who's there, who understands and love me as i am
all of my life, i waited for someone who cares,
and that someone is you,,
Jesus, i thank you
~CHC drama team, easter 2010
life can be so cold
everyone is searching another hand to hold, dont let me go
all of my life i have waited for someone who loves
someone who's there, who understands and love me as i am
all of my life, i waited for someone who cares,
and that someone is you,,
Jesus, i thank you
~CHC drama team, easter 2010
its easter!! went for the easter drama yesterday!! was simply awesome!! wow!!
what is easter abt?.. it is the love of God, His sacrifice and His victory for us.. through Him, we no longer walk in darkness, but His light and His glory!!
anyways, i should start on my proj now.. jus came back hm from sch.. can imagine, sch on a sun!! haa.. met up for customer svc proj.. jia you!!
what is easter abt?.. it is the love of God, His sacrifice and His victory for us.. through Him, we no longer walk in darkness, but His light and His glory!!
anyways, i should start on my proj now.. jus came back hm from sch.. can imagine, sch on a sun!! haa.. met up for customer svc proj.. jia you!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
ICA 2 for both customer svc and proj management finish le!! believe we did well today, abigail, qiao xiao!! yeah!! hee.. hmm, lillian ho de comment is that everything went smooth, very good, except that there's one part of the script, we should have done in another way.. anyways, its a small thing, can yeah!! well done!! :D
completed the proj software ICA also.. was really so scary, but was not tt bad as we thought.. yeah.. can imagine, we cant practise it at hm.. and, we only have one lesson for it..
anyways, we have the whole of next week to do our ICA3 for both modules.. jia you le!! :D
completed the proj software ICA also.. was really so scary, but was not tt bad as we thought.. yeah.. can imagine, we cant practise it at hm.. and, we only have one lesson for it..
anyways, we have the whole of next week to do our ICA3 for both modules.. jia you le!! :D
Thursday, March 25, 2010
jus had a gd short nap.. i'm ssooooo tired.. finally, today completed all the theory ICAs.. today's paper is no gd!! come out those that i did not study, and most that i studied, didnt come out.. arr.. anyways, its over le..
concentrate on tmr's role play and another ICA for proj management software bah.. :D
concentrate on tmr's role play and another ICA for proj management software bah.. :D
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
i'm so tired now.. went to the OCBC cycle from yesterday nite..
i'm not the cycling, but at the drinks station..
our breakfast.. guess what's inside..

early in the morning, 1pm +..


finally end duty.. was quite early as compared to standard chartered marathon..
think cos its the first drink station bah, at east coast..
after duty, at F1 pit building..
nice right?.. *smile*
this is our drinks station grp..
but afew left le..
and, here's out lunch.. i mus say, its very nice, esp when we are so hungry..

duty ended early, but still, go hm so late.. everybody's tired.. have a gd rest!! :D
i'm not the cycling, but at the drinks station..
our breakfast.. guess what's inside..

early in the morning, 1pm +..


finally end duty.. was quite early as compared to standard chartered marathon..
think cos its the first drink station bah, at east coast..
after duty, at F1 pit building..
nice right?.. *smile*
this is our drinks station grp..

and, here's out lunch.. i mus say, its very nice, esp when we are so hungry..

duty ended early, but still, go hm so late.. everybody's tired.. have a gd rest!! :D
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