finally finally finally finally.. .. exam is over alr!! its jus a blink of an eye.. 4 papers next to each other can.. then somemore so early in the morning at 9am..
general insurance
omg, is like have a feeling of being cheated.. some questions didnt even appear in the exam focus..
omg, i didnt study for theory lor.. theory all give away alr.. then somemore calculations suddenly blank.. arr.. but in the end still ok lah.. managed to search the relevant info in my brains..
capital market and financial instruments
omg, this paper really really serious cant make it lor..section B, 40 marks.. totally dont know how to do can..anyhow anyhow de lor.. theory also didnt study.. but at least section A and C not so bad..
consumer banking
today's paper is the best!! the least time i used to study, but best paper!! thanx to mdm goh, who keeps drilling into our brains during lec and tut..
but i have to say, 10 marks is gone cos i didnt study for a lecture..
yeah!! now finally can have a good good rest alr.. though i still slp at 10pm, i'm still tired!! this weekend shall be a time for me to slp + shopping, enjoy myself before gg for ipp next week..
so chan right?.. rush projs then followed by exams.. over the weekends to rest then ipp liao..