Tuesday, January 26, 2010

went to the coins and notes museum at chinatown with Mr Moses Koh yesterday.. believe alot of us lost our way.. thought it will be a building by itself, but it looks like one of the shops along the street.. lol..

was guided by a tour guide, joan..

first thing first.. the YAP STONE.. is actually placed at the dr of the hm in the ancient times, to show how wealthy the family is..


 check out the different currencies being used.. from ancient times to now in Singapore and some Japan monies..

spot something different in this note..

the only note that's not printed by the MAS..

the gold-bearing ores..

notes-printed card

also watched a video on the process of coin minting.. it is an great experience to see how coins are being minted..
what is Mr Moses Koh so excited abt?..

what does your horoscope says abt you?.. abigail..

one of the items on sale..

we can also have a "customised" coin for jus $2!!
at this is where we end.. at the SINGAPORE COINS AND NOTES MUSEUM!! :D