the bad thing is still have presentation and ICA!! long school hours also.. wasted my 21st!! haa..
received lots and lots of gifts..
revealing the hidden secrets..
from frenz of FA..
saw the color difference?..haa..
received this pair at first.. was vanessa's idea.. after soo long, then hong wei pass me another pair of these color.. thought is really like that de lorr.. LOL.. was like hahahaha..
following, from mii and sis..
doraemon.. how to eat??!!
i like the notebook!! on the cover is states..
"everyday is a gift from God"
and inside every page, there is a verse.. really very nice!! :D
wu cute... hee..
from nowhere, mii give me another.. hipppooo.. hee.. so cute..
sis also have one..her last year bday present..haa..same same..
all of my gifts!! all secrets revealed..
guess what i doing?..
doraemon!! my doraemon bu se de chi..hee
during gm.. they sang bday song for may babies..
after gm.. surprise!! from fadilah..
thanx everybody!! :D