went for svc yesterday.. watched a drama --- The Final Solution.. An amazing Easter story of chaos and how can man save the earth?.. Easter, the commemoration of the death Jesus, who died on the cross for us. In the drama, there is also a scene on Jesus' crucification.
Jesus, who was innocent, was whipped, spit.. He beared all of our shame, carried the cross, and was nailed onto the cross.. This really reminds me of what Jesus did for us.. I jus asked this qn.. 'Jesus, why did you do this?.. was blameless, took all our sins and bear all the pain and shame..' suddenly, i felt God speaking to me, say "Joan, you know the reason.. Because i love the world so much that I had sent Jesus to die for your sins, so that you may be free.." after hearing this, i really dont know how to describe how i was feeling at that moment.. joyful? touched?.. really had no words to describe..
after the drama, pastor Kong shared a msg on Good Friday.. two thousand years ago, in this friday, Jesus came from Earth to Heaven, died on the cross..
to open the tomb of..
-sickness and disease
-poverty and debt
because of Easter, the door of the tomb is open!! what we have to do now, is to step out of the tomb with Jesus Christ!! Hallejujah!!