from yesterday, left hse abt 11.40am for cg, then continued by svc...continues fellowship, then meet in sch, then go for the standard chartered marathon...all the way...haa... really thank God for His strength throughout... though is tiring, but then, still feels the energetic and strength...
yesterday's svc by Rev. Dr. John Avanzini was great!! talking abt recession-proof... the big problem now...abt the three times of famine/recession in the bible --- Joseph, Isaac and David. was also given a stone so as to remind us how David slays the big giants... we too, can slay the devil!!
was the 2nd time gtg for fellowship de... the first time was like ages ago...haa... when to Gabriel's coffee shop for dinner and fellowship... its quite a rush de, cos need to be in sch by 11.30pm, and is meeting lydia 10.30 at mrt station... cos scared dark ar...haa... the "walking distance" to mrt station was sooo far...haa...
slpt in the rm where we always had our ateam general meeting e308... hmm, i slept for few hrs bah... think abt 3 hrs?...haa... cant really wake up de...haa... :p
took a bus there, had breakfast, and was out on the track get ready!! 3 categories... 42km, 21km and 10km for adults... also, there are children categories... they are all so cute!! children are always cute!! haa...
empty lane...ppl awaits for the first runner...
from around 6 plus, was rotting...till like abt 7 plus, 8am... was urshering the ppl, cheering for them...quite busy with it de...hee... seeing their gladness when they had completed the marathon, was kind of proud of them de...haa...

yes!!! finally we finished the race!!! chasing up with lydia...haa... [actually is we drama de lah...haa...was waiting, then nothing to do... at least better than rotting... haa :p ]
cheer till my voice kind of a change, and hands are so painful, but i still find it a good thing to continue cheering for the other ppl de...hee...
also, something happened de...see the heart-shaped balloons, and also the white big one?... it was really a big big surprise for the gal lor... the guy was a participant of the marathon...and he actually proposed to the gal infront of so many ppl...touching right?...haa... of course we sure cheer and make noise de lah...haa...
under the hot sun, till around 2.30pm...can imagine how long they been running where the 42km race flags off at 5.30am... not only they are tired, we are standing under the hot sun for that long number of hrs too!!! except for lunch where we went to hide in the shade...haa :p
the difference of colour of my wrist...
the burnt face of my... very red right?...
yeah!! though tiring, but its fun!! but it wont be so fun without the ateam members and also the marathon participants!!! :D